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Community-centered, not location-centered.

​Despite our new campus on N. Lockwood Ridge Rd., GraceLife is not centered upon just one location in Sarasota. Our Grace Groups meet during the week throughout Sarasota. This enables us to be a church that belongs to all of Sarasota, not just one neighborhood.

frends, organic relationships


Ministry grows naturally through relationships, not programs.

​GraceLife seeks its identity through organic engagement with our unique culture and circumstances in Sarasota. Our goal is authentic ministry led by God, driven by the talents and passions of our people, not driven by programs. This enables us to be a unique church, free to do what is necessary to reach those God has called us to love.

Bible, Biblical, study, teaching


Influences all cultures and people with God's grace.

​GraceLife reflects both the liberal and conservative nature of the Biblical teachings of God. This provides a biblical foundation for balance in ministry. We seek to be liberal in our application of grace and conservative in preserving what is of eternal value. We embrace the Bible as our only rule for faith and practice, which frees us to reach beyond past culture and traditions.

waterfall, grace, abundance, generous


God's grace results in surprising, unexpected generosity.

​GraceLife’s core values of being Mobile, Organic, and Biblical enable us to keep costs of operations low. This allows us to be open-handed to those around us with our God given resources. Our goal is to demonstrate grace driven generosity in our community by allocating more than half our budget to ministries of compassion and outreach.

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